lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

Marijuana. Should it be Legal?

Marijuana. Should it be Legal?


First of all, what is drug? A drug is a chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that effects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often forming addiction.


Marijuana, is one of the lightest and most natural drug that is produced world wide.

It is not a chemical substance, it is a naturally grown plant, just like a rose or any other flower.

The commonly known marijuana that is smoked is made up of the buds, seeds, and leaves of the hemp plant, cannabis sativa.

The component of Marijuana that gives you the “high” effect is called THC.

Marijuana is legal in quite a few states, for example Amsterdam and France. This drug has become legal because of different reasons, it can cure some glaucoma symptoms. It is an inelastic product and thus can be sold at any price and will flourish the economy.

Although is it right to make it a legal product? Besides these last two positive facts. Marijuana has causes:

·         Rapid heart rate

·         Increased blood pressure

·         Increased rate of breathing

·         Red eyes

·         Dry mouth

·         Increased appetite, or "the munchies"

·         Slowed reaction time

·         Distorted sense of time

Other short term symptoms:

  • Paranoia
  • Magical or "random" thinking
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Anxiety and depression

Under these effects people are very vulnerable. They risk any kind of death, also the least expected like being run over by a car. Falling in to the water and drowning. It also as long term effect on the brain functions.

In my opinion Marijuana has too many negative effect in contrast with its positive. Therefore it should not be legalized and people should not buy it. Fortunately it is illegal in many of the states, but the selling of the plants seeds is legal. Laws should be made also to prohibit the selling of the seeds. Jeff t.W


3 commenti:

  1. Sorry for the White bars, i can't take them off :(

  2. I agree with you Jeff: it should not be legalized as it is very harmful for the human body. It should be used only in medical circumstances, prescribed by a doctor.

  3. I agree with you both. Since it is considered a drug, it should not be legalized, even though it is legal in Amsterdam and USA. Even if it doesn't cause imminent collateral effects, it will harm the human body in the long run. Under these circumstances, I finally can consider myself against the legalization of the "light" drug, even if this will bring as a consequence contraband.
