mercoledì 13 febbraio 2013

Alarm: Facebook's dependence

What is Facebook?
Facebook is a social network created by Marck Zuckenberg in 2004. It has initially been concieved as a progress netowrk that could enablee people to communicate with others with who was difficult to keep in touch with.

Unfortunately, with time passing a huge problem has been seen and analyzed: its dipendence.

Frequent studies have explained that this social Network can be defined as a "drug". More than 60 million people have a Facebook account, and an estimated 85% of the users are prooved to be addicted.

Scientists say that the maximum daily access should be around 30 minutes. Addicts, instead, spend around 2-3 hours a day.

It is said that young woman between the age of 12 and 19 are the users that spend the most time on Facebook, by posting photos, adding comments and searching for news to say between friends.

Spending much time over the computer in addition, creates psychological disorders and a greater chance to have stomach aches, sleeping problems, anxiety or even depression.

The only way to stop this addiction is to limit the internet connection or if strong enough cancel your account.

How much time do you spend online? Try and time yourself to understand whether you are an addict and get some preventions.


2 commenti:

  1. I agree with your points of discussion. As a matter of fact, since when Facebook was invented, teenagers from all over the world, open their Facebook pages as soon as they arrive home after school, and they "loose" crucial time that could have been spent studying or maybe doing other better things. As a consequence the point is that Facebook is becoming addictive almost like drugs.

  2. You are right, it is just like a drug! People do not study or do not do sports to stay in front of Facebook. It has become exaggerated and it is not healthy as school grades got worst and people tend to fatten as they just eat and stay con computer. The Facebook company should help us fight the dependence.
